
Acupuncture is a manual therapy that involves the insertion of thin, single-use pre-sterilized needles into specific locations of the body to achieve therapeutic results. Acupuncture activates the nervous system to release endorphins and opiates, increases blood circulation, and treats a variety of health conditions.

Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is an all-natural, non-toxic modality that is used to help patients feel beautiful from the inside out. Facial acupuncture is used to tighten and brighten the skin, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, enhance collagen production, and help you age radiantly.

Hi, I’m Kim! I am honored daily by those who choose to work with me and am in constant awe of what a little needle can do. My journey in healthcare began in 2004 as a body worker. After thousands of patient hours and the birth of my daughter, my body was ready for a new career, and it was a natural transition to acupuncture. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Public Health Education and a Masters of Acupuncture.

I enjoy facilitating relaxation to allow patients to unwind and reset in a safe, comfortable environment.

Ready to embark on your journey to better health and well-being? Contact me today to schedule an appointment and experience the transformative power of acupuncture! 😊

Hi, I’m Kim! I am honored daily by those who choose to work with me and am in constant awe of wha... Read More

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Located at: 717 Barrow St, Anchorage
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